Sunday, June 2, 2013

More training

I managed to complete a century ride (100mi) around Whatcom county yesterday without eating any cottonwood fuzzies! It wasn't easy.  Not eating the fuzzies, that is.  The ride went quite well.
The weather here has turned nice again which will help my perspective immensely while I finish up my training rides during these next two weeks left before we start the Big Ride.

I have included a photo of my dear father, Garry Fortune, who died of emphysema in October 2011.
It is in his honor I am making this ride.  I love you Dad.


  1. Hi Martha! I'm now an official follower and look forward to keep up with you via blogger. -Lori

  2. Hi Martha

    What an adventure you are undertaking. Was excited to see the article in The Northern Light!! Good luck and most of all have fun. Looking forward to traveling along with you.
